Collection: Industrial Pact Dossiers
The purpose of this study is to provide strategic data and proposals serving to align the supply of training with new employment demands in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (BMR). This aim was pursued by adapting to the context of the BMR the study “Skills supply and demand in Europe: Medium-term forecast up to 2020” produced by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). An analytical model was built up for Catalonia as a whole, serving to estimate training and employment needs in the medium term for the BMR (2015-2020). The forecasts were subsequently scrutinised and amended by a group of experts. The study arrived at the conclusion that expected employment demand in the BMR by 2020 will follow the European trend of recovery from the economic recession, albeit at a slower pace. The resulting projections demonstrate the short- and medium-term need to recycle and increase the skills level of the current labour force, and in the long term to expand the active population.