The Pacte Industrial of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region presented on 19th October the document “Towards a new model of territorial development: the challenge of relearning ways to work”, drawn up by the Economists Miren Estensoro and Miren Larrea, of Orkestra – Basque Institute of Competitiveness, which becomes the second edition of the collection of Pacte Industrial Papers. The presentation was held at the functions room of the El Vagó building on the premises of the School of Industry, within the context of a roundtable debate on new models of territorial development, involving not only the authors of the document but also Carles Ruiz, President of the Executive Committee of the Industrial Pact and Mayor of Viladecans; Josep M. Vilalta, Executive Secretary of the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP), and Carles Rivera, Managing Coordinator of the Industrial Pact.
The aim of this document is to present proposals on which to reflect regarding new ways of tackling the main regional development issues, by starting with a diagnosis of the implementation of intelligent specialization strategies in the Basque Country. The main idea is to demonstrate that the successful resolution of these issues requires profound changes in the roles of the different players across the region, and in their ways of interacting.
The document presents particularly relevant reflections on creating meeting points such as that being implemented by the Industrial Agreement, that serve to bring the world of knowledge closer to the different players that work in the field of local development. Furthermore, so that municipal and local institutions on an intermediate level (Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Provincial Council of Barcelona), within the scope of their shared responsibility, can provide these meeting points and new ways of working across the region.
Press release (in Catalan)

Pacte Industrial Working Paper 2 (in Catalan)

Pacte Industrial Working Paper 2 (in Spanish)

Tags: Industrial Pact Working Papers, Industrial policy, Industrial policy, Innovation