What we doAreas Sustainability Industrial parks Innovation Mobility Training Employment Internationalization Data & GIS Infrastructures Internationalization These are the activities and publications of the Industrial Pact on internationalization. Activities Cooperation for Internationalization and Metropolitan CompetitivenessRead more +Working session on the Support Network for the Economic Internationalisation of the RMBRead more + All News Publications The Support Network for the Economic Internationalisation of the Barcelona Metropolitan RegionAuthor: Angel Saz-CarranzaCollection: Industrial Pact DossiersTechnological Innovation in the RMB: Location and Technology of European PatentsAuthor: Vittorio GallettoCollection: Industrial Pact Dossiers All Publications
The Support Network for the Economic Internationalisation of the Barcelona Metropolitan RegionAuthor: Angel Saz-CarranzaCollection: Industrial Pact Dossiers
Technological Innovation in the RMB: Location and Technology of European PatentsAuthor: Vittorio GallettoCollection: Industrial Pact Dossiers