The Barcelona Metropolitan Region Industrial Pact was born from the reflections and proposals made within the framework of the 2nd Strategic Plan of the Barcelona Strategic Plan Association 2000 (1994), formalized a collective commitment on 21 January 1997 and it was constituted on 23 September 1997.
Solemn signature of the Industrial Pact held at the Montjuïc-2 trade fair centre in Hospitalet de Llobregat (21-01-1997)
Founding articles for the Industrial Pact of Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona association, signed on 21 January 1997 at the Montjuïc-2 trade fair centre in Hospitalet de Llobregat (in Catalan).

Constitution Act held at the Paranimf Hall of the University of Barcelona (23-09-1997)
10th anniversary celebration and declaration of industrial activity
In 2007, on the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the Industrial Pact signed a declaration in which it promised to continue working towards improving the competitiveness of the region’s industries and the internationalisation of the Catalan economy. The declaration also confirmed its commitment to consolidating the region’s existing industries and promoting new industrial activities, in order to give the Barcelona Metropolitan Region a renewed, strengthened industrial base capable of overcoming the new challenges posed by globalisation.
10th anniversary celebration at the Palau de Pedralbes in Barcelona (16-3-2007)
Declaration entitled “Towards the Renewal and Growth of Industrial Activities in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region”, signed on 16 March 2007 at the Palau de Pedralbes in Barcelona on the occasion of the association’s 10th anniversary (in Catalan).
20 years of the Industrial Pact
More than 120 people attended on 13 June 2018 the Industrial Pact 20th anniversary commemorative event, which focused on the present and future of the industry in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region and had the participation of the Industrial Pact’s current and former presidents, as well as public administration, trade union and business organization representatives.
Industrial Pact 20th anniversary commemorative event at MediaTIC Building in Barcelona (13-06-2018)
New challenges, new priorities
Industrial Pact has set sustainability , the circular economy, and industry 4.0 as priority areas. It has launched a new initiative for ongoing dialogue, such as is the Sustainable Mobility Industry Forum. The Forum aims to create meeting spaces between institutions and public and private agents to drive the transformation of industrial sectors that are so relevant to the country, such as the automotive, motorcycle, and railways industries towards a sustainable, decarbonised, digital, shared, connected, and autonomous model.
At the same time, the association wants to continue working on the promotion of innovation, the boosting of professional training, the promotion of employment, and the improvement of the interrelationship between the city and economic activity; promoting a network of collaboration between the entities and the bodies that help improve the conditions of economic and social progress in the Metropolitan region.