44th Meeting of the Pacte Industrial Executive Committee and debate on circular economy


On 9 May the Pacte Industrial of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region held the 44th meeting of its Executive Committee at the Palauet de Can Buxeres of Hospitalet de Llobregat. The meeting was chaired by Núria Marín, Mayor of Hospitalet de Llobregat, and President of the Pacte Industrial Executive Committee. Moreover, the event also included the participation of Agustí Colom, city councillor of Business and Tourism of the Government of Barcelona and president of the General Council of the Industrial Pact amongst other representatives and entities that are part of the association.

As a closure of the event, the conclusions of the conferences “Reindustrialisation and Sustainability. Horizons for a New Economic Development” organised by the Pacte Industrial of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region and selected in the 2nd Call for Awareness-raising Projects in the Palau Macaya of the Obra Social La Caixa have been presented. Eloi Montcada, member of the technical secretary’s office of the series of conferences and Carles Rivera, Managing Coordinator of the Pacte Industrial, were in charge of presenting the final outcomes. Both have emphasized as one of the main conclusions that the agreement between socioeconomic agents is fundamental to encourage a sustainable reindustrialization. Thus, collective participation is presented as a priority objective.


Conferences “Reindustrialisation and Sustainability. Horizons for a New Economic Development”.

Rapporteur of the conference:

 In Catalan

 In Spanish

Document of conclusions of the conference (in Catalan):

Power Point presentation of Eloi Montcada & Carles Rivera (in Catalan):

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