🌹📖 Some book recommendations for Sant Jordi


Once again, we want to recommend some readings about industry, sustainability and local development coinciding with the celebration of Sant Jordi. Don’t forget that you can find Pacte Industrial publications in the “Publications” section of this website.

Happy Sant Jordi’s Day, and happy reading!

Click on each title for more information:

El mundo está en venta

Javier Blas i Jack Farchy (2022)

The Titanium Economy

Asutosh Padhi, Gaurav Batra i Nick Santhanam (2022)

La era de la resiliencia

Jeremy Rifkin (2022)

Cómo resolver problemas públicos

Beth Simone Noveck (2022)


Nouriel Roubini (2022)

La revolución de la proximidad

Carlos Moreno (2023)


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